Monday 5 April 2010


As the sun began to set,
The sky was filled with shades of yellows and blues.
They walked side by side along the shore.
The only sound heard was that of the ocean roar.
Her heart lightly fluttered from feeling his touch.
He loved her dearly,
And wanted to kiss her so much.
Between his hands, he grasped her face.
She thought to herself,
“This is the perfect place.”
Gently, their lips met,
A moment they’d never forget.
Her arms embraced him tightly;
She kissed his ear slightly.
By this time, the moon was out.
A million stars were shining about.
A breeze of coolness stirred the air.
They enjoyed the moment with a deep stare
Into each others eyes.
The moment quietly ended

With tears of joyous cries.

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LONDON, United Kingdom
**** FULL OF SOUL****